Appendix 4 - Response from the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
On 18 November 2024, the Lead Member for Transport & Environment considered a report on the Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access package (Phase 2a) where Councillor Dowling made the decision for the scheme to progress to detailed design and construction. During the debate on the item, Councillor Tutt had requested that the project be delayed to enable further consultation to be undertaken with local residents and businesses on the rescoped design.
Subsequently, Councillor Tutt formally requested that the Lead Member’s decision be ‘called in’ by the Place Scrutiny Committee. Councillors Shing and Murphy agreed to support the call-in request. The call-in requested that, instead of conducting further consultation, some public awareness resource could be deployed, specifically public display boards which update residents on the final form of the scheme, and what has changed since the original consultation.
The report to Lead Member confirmed that officers have kept key stakeholders informed of the progress of the scheme and that this will continue as the package approaches construction stage.
The Assistant Director – Economy spoke with Councillor Tutt on 22 November 2024 to discuss the call-in request, and explained that, as part of the next steps associated with progressing the scheme, Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) would need to be published, which seek further views from residents and businesses. The Assistant Director agreed that officers would publish display boards in prominent locations, alerting people in the town to the changes.
As part of the ongoing engagement with stakeholders on the scheme, on 25th November 2024, County Council officers attended a meeting of traders in Eastbourne town centre, at the invitation of Councillor Holt and the Eastbourne Business Improvement District team, to update them on what the Lead Member for Transport & Environment agreed at her meeting, and to take them through the next steps.
In conclusion, following the call-in request by Councillor Tutt, supported by Councillors Shing and Murphy, officers are happy to agree to providing public display boards in prominent locations in Eastbourne town centre to inform local residents of the revised scheme, which will be undertaken when the TROs are published.